“Tis the season” and whether you like it or not, winter is here and temperatures are dropping fast. You may not be a snowbird, but every van owner ends up somewhere with freezing temperatures.
At Off Highway Van, we try to make winterization as low-maintenance as possible. The process is extremely simple, so don’t worry if you’ve never done it before.

What is Winterization?
Winterizing your van simply means clearing all of the water from your van's systems so it does not freeze and harm these systems during the cold winter months.
OHV TIP: If you plan to leave your heater running throughout the winter or are storing your van in a temperature controlled garage you will not need to complete this process.
The Equipment You Need To Winterize Your Van
Before getting started, you’ll want to make sure you have the following:
Air Compressor
Air Pressure Gauge

How to Winterize Your Van
When you purchase an Off Highway Van, we've planned ahead for a simple and effective winterization process for each van we build. Our system is gravity drained and DOES NOT REQUIRE THE USEAGE OF ANTIFREEZE. However, in order for the system to effectively drain, you'll want to find the flattest surface possible to ensure a quality drain of the system.
1. Access Your Water Port
The first step to winterizing your Off Highway Van is to locate and open the water access port in your water box (shown below). This box is located just inside the rear doors of your van and will be on wither the driver or passenger side depending on your model.

OHV Tip: If you have a Doc Holliday by OHV, the port will be on the driver's side. Our other models (Sundance Kid / Davey Jackson) will have the port located on the passenger side.
2. Locate the Main System Drain Handle
In every Off Highway Van model, you will find a red drain handle located inside of your water storage box. This handle (once turned) will begin the drain of your camper van's systems. Once located, turn this handle to begin the draining process.

OHV Tip: It's perfectly normal to see the water draining out from under your van

3. Drain Your Gray Water Tank
While your main water system tank is draining, you will want to locate your gray water system drain. This drain will be located on the outside of your van directly in front of your rear wheel. It will also be labeled "DRAIN."

To begin draining your gray water tank, open the cap by turning it counter clockwise. Then, pull the handle to allow the system to drain.

4. Run Your Water Pump
When your tanks show 5-10% remaining on your display, you'll want to start running your water pump.

To run this water pump, locate the button labeled "H20 Pump" on your main systems panel. Press the button to begin using your pump.

5. Turn On Your Interior Sink + Shower
Once your water pump has been turned on, you'll want to head over to your interior sink and turn it on. This allows the remaining water from your system to be flushed.

OHV Tip: If your van is equipped with an interior shower, turn this on as well.
Continue this process until you begin to hear the system start to sputter.
5. Turn Off Your H20 Pump
Once you hear the system begin to sputter, its imperative to turn off your H20 pump to avoid dry running your system. Once you have turned off the pump, leave your interior shower and sink on.

6. Locate Your Winterization Tools
Now that your water pump is off and your sink and shower are in the on position, locate your provided winterization tools inside of your OHV tool bag.

7. Set Up Your Air Compressor
To properly drain your camper van's water system without damaging your components, set the pressure on your air compressor to 20-30 PSI

8. Blow Out Your Water System
Once your compressor is readied, locate the rear shower nozzle on your van's water box and attach your compressor nozzle to the winterization tool (shown below). Turn the handle on your winterization tool to release the pressure throughout your van's water systems.

Once the winterization tool valve is opened, this 20-30 PSI will begin to push any remaining water in the system through your open sink and shower. Run this pressure through the system until there is no more water being drained out of your sink or shower.
Run BOTH COLD AND HOT water during this process to ensure that all of your van's holding tanks have been completely drained and no water remains.
OHV Tip: This step should take 10-15 minutes to completely drain your system. Please be patient and allow all excess water to drain.

What About Long Term Storage?
If you plan to store your van for longer than one month (without shore power) we highly recommend turning off your battery system as a part of the winterization process. To see how to manage your power system, click here.
Don't Want to DIY? No Problem.
If you'd prefer to leave your van's winterization to the experts, schedule a service appointment with the Off Highway Van team or give us a call at (801) 871-8713. Our team is standing by to ensure that your van will be properly winterized and ready for your next adventure.